Monday, November 23, 2009

Overrated emotion

What is the most overrated emotion in someone's life ? Thinking about it for days and after watching some silly movies I have conquered the answer "LOVE". Love is the most overrated and the most short lived emotion in the life span of a human being. When we grow up, in the tennage years most of us have this big big dreams of our love ife and our lover and this most enduring romance we will have in our lifes, do we ? or atleast how many of us ?
All the novels and movies portray this, infact it only thrives in imagination "and they live happily ever after", thank god they dont mave movies on peoples real lives after marriages....Infact the reason for such movies to be a hit is that people relate to their lives not being like that and enjoying the imaginative fact of love not there in real life in the movie.
Yesterday I had taken my daughter to a movie and she was soo into the romantic scenes, there was a gleam in her eye when she saw the hero woo the heroine...the sad fact is that she is going to grow up thinking love is so beautiful and her prince charming is going to come and mesmerize do I make her understand that she may just head for a heartbreak.
Leaving all that aside, yesterday's movie needed me to just waste my money and eat popcorn and didnt need me to use my brains and think even for a minute. It was funny allrite but so silly that in the climax scene Jesus Christ comes to the resue,(with a lamb). Yet, the director was sucessful I would say, as when I came out of the theatre I felt lighter, definetely not in the stomach but at heart cause I had laughed so much, so whatever the genre of movies taken, serious or funny and silly I guess there is an audience for every movie in this country. Till next time..

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Last nite while talking to a friend the question which pondered in my mind "what is happiness" ?, let me see if I can justify with an answer..
Happiness to me is spending time with kids, watching tv, reading idiotic fashion magazines, working out, clubbing whenever I feel like it....the list is endless. Basically doing all the things I wish to do in life. Happiness is a feeling of content about being myself and being accepted as myself amongst the people I care for and love in life. Thats why when the same people dont react in the way u want them to u tend to become unhappy.
Happiness also comes with a lot of expectations in life, from others, favourable outcomes. Twenty nine years in my life and I have never asked this question till date. A lot of people call me idle, say that because I sit at home without doing much of work my brains come up with some wierd and crooked thoughts, for all those who believe in that thought all I have to say is that I am content with my life, maybe if I went to work I would be occupied but it would mean I give up on my small pleasures in life, which I choose not to, I rather sit back and live each day in my life.
Many a times I have been unhappy in life, this time around I have chosen to look at life from my side of the table, never expect, the biggest drawback for a human being in life in expectations and hopes. I just believe in myself and live each day.
Each passing day is a stepping stone towards happiness for me, a day closer to the goal.

Monday, November 9, 2009

The real me

Another day, filled with rain in the city, I totally pity the guys with the posh cars in the city, specially if they really love them...its a time when u dont know if to be happy or sad cause its raining.
Of recent many friends have been asking me how come I am so sober and emotional, quite contrary to the image I portray, infact the real me I guess no one knows and yet to know. Some call me a feminist, quite true, I am, I guess I have grown into one. Opinions and attitutes about people come from the upbringing of a child, if a child is brought up in an environment where women are not liberated then thats the attitude the child will develop towards women, its something which grows in the person.
However it is genetical too that men behave in a certain way and women behave in a certain way in life, however much a man says he has liberal views at some point his male dominance will step up.
I dont know why I get so offended when men make certain comments about us, in sort of disturbs me in a ugly way, to an extent that I fight with the person not involved in the matter, just to let go of my anger towards the entire tribe, if i may call them that.
What has to be accepted is that men are good at some work and women have an upper hand in some work, lifes best when one doesnt cross each others path at any times. The point is that how many of us have understood this theory and have lived life to the maximum.
Last nite was quite a long one, the argument being who will listen to whom in a marriage, what i dont understand is that why does someone even have to listen to the partner in a marriage, why cant their opinions and views go hand in hand, along with each other, complement each other, in such a way that they grow together and not pull each other down with tiffs and arguments which only makes one hate the other.
I am still comtemplating how to handle this ego situation of mine, I have spent hours plain thinking about this problem of mine, if i may call it. I just cannot accept the fact that in this day and age men still behave in this way, what if my daughters too fall prey to such incidents in life ? or am i just thinking too much ? My hair's greying faster cause of this worry of mine i guess. Right now i need to just relax and take a day as it comes, thats the real me, however over the past months things have been so topsy that this opinion of me has changed along with my behaviour. Waiting for a change.


Its been a month since I had created this blog, a lot of happenings have occured since then, some ups and many downs. It never occured to me that writing can actually ease someone's brain from feeling heavy, specially if it is something that no one you dont want can read it. So today of all the days I chose to write.
My mind wanders for a topic, and the most appropriate at this time would be birthdays, since mine is around the corner. I still remember how mine were celebrated, there used to be a time when my picture along with the greetings came on the national newspaper and was read out on radio, no FM channels then, just one broadcast station. I used to take a huge cake to school and how eager my friends were to know who I would choose to walk around with me distributing cake, just for the mere reason that we were excused from attending the class just after the break.
How much life has changed since then, now for birthdays I feel guilty, apart from the fact of growing old, the plain reason of feeling lonely on this particular day, being away from home and friends, some losses of being an only child I guess. Just hoping that my children dont go through this phase in life of feeling lost.
Is it the rains in Chennai making me feel like this, I dont know, or is it the people around me, or the happenings during the last month....makes me wonder. Infact I am beginning to enjoy this, on a lighter note the laptop cannot reason can it..
I have a very special friend who doesnt believe in gifting for birthdays, I could never reason to him why we should, but I dont know why we shouldnt either, its just a feel good factor I guess, and it makes an impact especially when it is from someone whom u adore, to know that they took the pain and effort to find something for u. I know the amount of planning I take when it comes to the gift I choose for the loved ones, infact it has even taken me a years savings to reach the figure.
My brain has come to a halt, as the TV in front of me has come up with something more interesting, but I sure will continue my quest for in search of happiness, and every step will hopefully have a write up about it. Later